Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Say THANK YOU to an Ohio State Hero

Praise an Ohio State Hero! 


Due to the quick thinking of Ohio State University police officer Alan Horujko, a bloody Islamist terror attack was averted, when he shot dead a knife-wielding terrorist.

His heroic actions saved the lives of Ohio's young students who had to endure, first hand, ISIS-inspired Islamist terror in the heart of America.

Please join us in writing a letter of praise for Officer Horujko, a real American hero, who saved the lives of our students and prevented a far larger tragedy.

Ohio State University Security Services:
Please copy us on the mail,

Many thanks,
The Clarion Team


Officer Alan Horujko
Officer Alan Horujko


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Clarion Project Inc. · 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Suite 1025 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Getting Inside the Head of the Ohio Attacker Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 366



Bride of ISIS: One Young Woman's Path into Homegrown Terrorism

Bride of ISIS: One Young Woman's Path into Homegrown Terrorism

By Anne Speckhard

Why would a "normal" American teen convert to Islam and then try to join a terrorist organization, and how do terrorists seduce women over the Internet and lure them into traveling thousands of miles to become their wives? Based upon a composite of actual cases and inspired by the true story of Shannon Conley, an American teen from Denver, Colorado who converted to Islam, took the niqab, and who ultimately ended up in the clutches of ISIS, Bride of ISIS follows Sophie Lindsay—another "girl next-door" as she is seduced over the Internet. Written by an internationally respected counter-terrorism expert and Georgetown University adjunct associate professor of psychiatry and security studies.

Buy Now



[Re:'Crucifixion, Torture and Forced Conversion by ISIS in Iraq']: History repeating itself over and over again. This is what happened to the eastern Europeans, Armenians etc on a huge scale.



[Re:'American Islamist Group Preps for Jihad Against Trump']: Why the hell are they allowed to set up shop in the first place??


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Clarion Project I 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington DC 20006‏

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Child soldiers or child abuse?  

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KiDS: Inside the Terror Factory
A New Clarion Project Feature Film

How is a young child transformed into a terrorist?

KiDS: Inside the Terror Factory (working title) dives deep inside the world of terrorist organizations to expose an unconscionable and heartbreaking truth. The film tells the anguishing stories of children who have been indoctrinated and manipulated - used and abused - to incite violence and radicalism.

This is child abuse of the worst kind. >> Click here to learn about the film

Isa Dare is a 5-year-old British boy. His mother, Grace, was radicalized at a British college and flew to ISIS territory in Syria, taking Isa with her. Just this past February, an adult terrorist stood next to Isa and encouraged him to press a button on a remote control.

Isa's small fingers gripped the device as he pressed the button firmly. In an instant, a car next to him explodes. And in it, the "infidel spies" die breathlessly.

Isa is one of many children being radicalized to hate and kill.
>> Help wake-up the world and make this film a reality! 

Each dollar you give is Matched 1:1

Your donation to the Clarion Project's newest documentary will give voice to the plight of children like Isa being manipulated and abused to incite hatred, violence, and extremism.

Your gift will expose this narrative and inspire urgent conversation and action to combat the effect of child indoctrination and exploitation.

Plus, giving to this campaign is simply smart philanthropy. Each dollar you donate will be matched by a generous donor. $10 becomes $20. $100 becomes $200. You will have twice the impact in helping to launch this film.

Supporting KiDS: Inside the Terror Factory is your chance to make real change in this ongoing to fight to correct one of the greatest unreported human rights violations in the world.

With your support, KiDS will document the stories of children being actively radicalized by Islamist groups across the world.

Many thanks,

Shoshana Palatnik, Producer

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Monday, November 28, 2016

American Islamist Group Preps for Jihad Against Trump Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 365



Pakistani Islamist Party Opposes Bill Against Forced Conversions

"[The Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan party said it will not accept the recently adopted bill banning forced conversions in Pakistan because it is] against the spirit of Islam."

- Shah Ovais Noorani
Secretary-General of Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan (JUP) political party



[Re: 'Iranian Nuclear Device Goes Missing']: And we wonder why you don't give Iran access to nuclear anything.



[Re: 'Would You Want to Know if Your Holiday Parade Was a Terror Target?']: I would most definitely want to know. For the government to do otherwise would not just be negligent but criminal.


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Clarion Project I 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington DC 20006‏

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