Friday, July 29, 2016

Taken To Saudi Arabia And Locked in a Cage Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 313


Taken To Saudi Arabia And Locked in a Cage

Taken To Saudi Arabia And Locked in a Cage

British-Saudi dual citizen Amina al-Jeffrey was taken to Saudi Arabia by her father after she kissed a boy at 16. She is desperate to return to the UK. learn more


Iran Holding US Citizens As Chips For Prisoner Exchange

Robin Reza Shahini disappeared while visiting his mother in Iran. He is reportedly being held on unspecified national security charges.

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Iran Holding US Citizens As Chips For Prisoner Exchange

Exclusive: Sanders Delegate is Member of Fuqra Terror Cult

A delegate for Sanders at the Democratic National Convention is a member of Muslims of the Americas, which is a rebranding of Jamaat ul-Fuqra.

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Exclusive: Sanders Delegate is Member of Fuqra Terror Cult

Trump's Unsettling Response to Turkey's Islamist Tyranny

After years of a gradual erosion of the secular state, the Turkish government has been sprinting towards Islamist tyranny since the failed coup attempt.

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Trump's Unsettling Response to Turkey's Islamist Tyranny

Muslim Mob Attacks Christian Homes in Egypt

For the fourth time in weeks, a rumor that a home construction was really a church sparked a riot and the destruction of Christian homes.

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Muslim Mob Attacks Christian Homes in Egypt

Turkey: How Racism Has Become Part of the Judicial System

2,745 judges have been laid off since the coup, but the case of a Kurdish judge now under investigation is unprecedented in the country's judicial history.

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Turkey: How Racism Has Become Part of the Judicial System


 Countries Shower Praise on Saudi Arabia's Human Rights Record

Countries Shower Praise on Saudi Arabia's Human Rights Record

UN Watch's Hillel Neuer took the floor at the UNHRC to expose its review of Saudi Arabia's human rights record as tainted by false praise from Riyadh's fellow regimes. "The truth is that there are zero women's rights, zero religious rights, zero minority rights, zero human rights, in Saudi Arabia," said Neuer.




Saudi Justice Minister Walid Al-Samaani-- Women Now Must Verbally Accept Marriage Proposal

"Women must now verbally accept a proposal of marriage before a contract can be made. Someone else cannot speak in her behalf."

- Dr. Walid Al-Samaani
Saudi Arabian Minister of Justice


Why Did Islamist Terrorists Target a Priest in France?

The problem of beheading in Islam is a microcosm of the problems faced by the religion’s car-crash encounter with Western modernity as a whole. 

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Why Did Islamist Terrorists Target a Priest in France?



[Re:'Germany: Muslim Men Harass, Threaten Nude Bathers']: I find it interesting they they find nude bathing immoral - but apparently slicing throats doesn't bother them a bit!



[Re:'Iran Holding US Citizens As Chips For Prisoner Exchange']: No dual citizenship with terrorist nations


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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

CAIR Wants You To Stop Saying 'Jihadist' Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 312


CAIR Wants You To Stop Saying 'Jihadist'

CAIR Wants You To Stop Saying 'Jihadist'

The head of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) tweeted after the Nice attack #Don'tCallTerroristsJihadists learn more


France: ISIS Slits Throat of Priest in French Church

Two knifemen took hostages, killed a priest and critically wounded another man and screamed "Allahu Akbar" before being shot.

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France: ISIS Slits Throat of Priest in French Church

England Allows Entry of Pakistani Extremists for Speaking Tour

The preachers supported an assassin of a liberal governor who spoke against blasphemy law. One was welcomed by the archbishop of Canterbury.

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England Allows Entry of Pakistani Extremists for Speaking Tour

Germany: Muslim Men Harass, Threaten Nude Bathers

The incidents involved men who spoke fluent German, making it likely that the men were second and third generation German Muslims.

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Germany: Muslim Men Harass, Threaten Nude Bathers

Egyptian Doctors: Have Sex With Me Or I Won't Give You an Abortion

Egyptian doctors are willing to perform illegal abortions for a heavy price. Three women spoke to Deutsche Welle Arabic about their experiences.

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Egyptian Doctors: Have Sex With Me Or I Won't Give You an Abortion

No Justice for 16-Year-Old Christian Rape Victim in Pakistan

As one local Muslim leader said, "It is a normal issue and can be sorted out locally by elders of the area."

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No Justice for 16-Year-Old Christian Rape Victim in Pakistan


'Sometimes a Man Needs More Than One Wife'

'Sometimes a Man Needs More Than One Wife'

Mazen Sabbah, Palestinian professor of Islamic Law, explains how polygamy can keep everyone happy and when can a man allow his wife to leave the house and go to work.



Halil Celik - I am Prepared to Take Lives for My Religion-Turkish man in Holland

"I am prepared to die for my religion, but also prepared to take away lives."


- Halil Celik
Turkish Imam in Holland


Honor Killings: Still Our Worst Nightmare

While it’s comforting to see that movements against honor-based violence are picking up momentum in the West, it’s troubling to hear the news coming out of my native land, Pakistan.

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Honor Killings: Still Our Worst Nightmare



[Re:'Germany: Suicide Bomber Pledged Allegiance to ISIS']: Sickening. I understand the ideology that drives such disdain for others who aren't like them, but why some willingly choose such credence is baffling to me.



[Re:'France: Priest Has Throat Slit in Church; ISIS Claims Attack']: Known to authorities as usual. Under surveillance, electronic tag, already caught travelling to Syria. Blood on the authorities hands. Disgrace


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