Monday, May 30, 2016

CAIR Official Stands By Memorial Day Criticism of US Troops Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 287


CAIR Official Stands By Memorial Day Criticism of US Troops

CAIR Official Stands By Memorial Day Criticism of US Troops

For the third year in a row, the executive director of CAIR's San Francisco Bay Area chapter, Zahra Billoo, bashed the U.S. military on Memorial Day. learn more


Three Shocking Stories: This Week in Europe

Violence, rape and a suspicious theatre cancellation all made headlines this week in Europe.

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Three Shocking Stories: This Week in Europe

Obama Names Official Linked to MB as Gov't Liaison to Muslims

Zaki Barzinji worked for ISNA, an org. named as a Muslim Brotherhood entity by the Justice Dept. His grandfather was a MB terror suspect.

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Obama Names Official Linked to MB as Gov't Liaison to Muslims

An Eye for an Eye in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Five people are in prison in Iran awaiting blinding with acid as punishment as the regime struggles to find a doctor to perform the procedure.

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An Eye for an Eye in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UK Launches Government Review Of Sharia Councils

Leading women's rights campaigner Baroness Caroline Cox expressed concern the review would not be robust enough or help women swiftly.

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UK Launches Government Review Of Sharia Councils

5 Ways the Iranian Regime Is Crushing Dissent

From lashing revelers at a graduation party to electing the most radical cleric to head the all-important Assembly of Experts.

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5 Ways the Iranian Regime Is Crushing Dissent

Lahore Court Restores Divorce for Christian Couples

In a long-overdue move, the courts will now allow Christian couples to divorce without the wife being declared an adulterer.

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Lahore Court Restores Divorce for Christian Couples


Shiite Cleric: 'Allah's True Religion Should Be Spread by Force'

Shiite Cleric: 'Allah's True Religion Should Be Spread by Force'

Shiite Cleric Sabah Shabr says that Isalm should be spread by force, and that if one cannot talk people into convesting to Islam, they should be forced to convert by the sword.




[Re:'CAIR Official Stands By Memorial Day Criticism of US Troops']: CAIR is a terrorist-supporting Muslim Brotherhood front group, as proven in the Holy Land Foundation trials! What would you expect!



[Re:'Egypt: Seven Homes Destroyed in Anti-Christian Riot']: And yet not a single 'emergency meeting' or condemnation from the EU, UN or the Muslim community... what are they waiting for??? Oh sorry no Jews or Israelis to be blamed...


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Friday, May 27, 2016

Last-Minute Change to Bill Dashes Hopes of Suing Saudi Arabia Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 286


Last-Minute Change to Bill Dashes Hopes of Suing Saudi Arabia

Last-Minute Change to Bill Dashes Hopes of Suing Saudi Arabia

A coalition of 9/11 families have been fighting for the right to sue Saudi Arabia for its role in the attacks. A bill allowing them to do so has just been crippled. learn more


5 Gruesome Ways ISIS Has Taken Its Savagery to the Next Level

As the Iraqi army moves into the center of Fallujah, ISIS is cutting out the tongues of its deserting fighters and using the public as human shields.

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5 Gruesome Ways ISIS Has Taken Its Savagery to the Next Level

Hamas Stealing 95% Of Cement Allowed into Gaza Says Israel

The Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, Hamas, which controls the Gaza strip, is diverting humanitarian aid and re-routing it for terrorist activities.

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Hamas Stealing 95% Of Cement Allowed into Gaza Says Israel

Egypt: Seven Homes Destroyed in Anti-Christian Riot

The local Coptic Bishop gave a full statement after the riot, which has been translated and reprinted here. An elderly woman was stripped and harassed.

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Egypt: Seven Homes Destroyed in Anti-Christian Riot

Islamic Extremism in France Part IV: Crime and Immigration

The connection between juvenile delinquency, violent crime and jihadism is beyond any doubt.

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Islamic Extremism in France Part IV: Crime and Immigration

Satire Against Extremism is Taking the Web By Storm

A wide range of Muslim comedians are mocking Islamist beliefs online, and a growing liberal Muslim audience is loving it.

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Satire Against Extremism is Taking the Web By Storm

US Set to Arm New Libyan Unity Government

The U.S. is moving to arm a new Libyan unity government, but it is unclear if the government will become in thrall to Islamists or militias.

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US Set to Arm New Libyan Unity Government


Would American College Students Donate to Hamas?

Would American College Students Donate to Hamas?

Watch as Ami Horowitz goes to Portland State University and asks students if they would donate money to support Hamas attack 'soft targets' like Israeli schools and cafes.




[Re:'Satire Against Extremism is Taking the Web By Storm']: Sarcasm is the brain's natural defense against stupidity. Satire is the art form that is sadly dying out because people are not able to detect sarcasm or parody.



[Re:'Palestinian Authority Lauds Murderer of American in Israel']: I guess these hateful sick people view Hitler as a martyr.....killing innocent people is far from being a martyr....more like a coward!


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