Friday, April 29, 2016

Islamic State Hacks Into Michigan Church's Website Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 274


Islamic State Hacks Into Michigan Church's Website

Islamic State Hacks Into Michigan Church's Website

The ISIS video that appeared on the website declared, "We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses and enslave your women..." learn more


Meet the Man Behind the US' New Cyberwar With ISIS

U.S. Cyber Commander Admiral Michael Rogers has taken control of the American task force charged with fighting ISIS in cyberspace.

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Meet the Man Behind the US' New Cyberwar With ISIS

It's Sport to You and Me; But for Women in Arab Lands…

Sporting activity for women is a growing movement in Arab states but perhaps not as quickly as the women themselves would like to see.

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It's Sport to You and Me; But for Women in Arab Lands…

Poetry in Erdogan's Turkey: Jihad in, Satire out

While Germany acquiesces to Turkey and prosecutes a comedian for a poem insulting Erdogan, the Turkish president calls for jihad in his own poems.

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Poetry in Erdogan's Turkey: Jihad in, Satire out

'Fake Couple' Mulls Status of Danish Muslim Women

Danish Muslim women are breaking barriers in gender inequality, but they are up against increasing support within their own community for Sharia law.

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'Fake Couple' Mulls Status of Danish Muslim Women

'Islamists' Slay US-Employed Bangladeshi Gay-Rights Activist

The murder of the activist and his friend, a police officer, follows ISIS' killing of a liberal university professor three days earlier.

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'Islamists' Slay US-Employed Bangladeshi Gay-Rights Activist

Turkey Detains A Journalist for Anti-Erdogan Tweet

The arrest of journalist Ebru Umar is the latest in a string of attempts by Turkish President Erdogan to stifle all dissent.

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Turkey Detains A Journalist for Anti-Erdogan Tweet


Official Palestinian TV Preacher Call for Genocide

Official Palestinian TV Preacher Call for Genocide

The preacher tells his audience: 'Allah… kill them to the last one... punish the wicked Jews.'



Conspiracy Theorists Could Be Forgiven

Rather than stopping the flow of migrants, the recent deal Europe made with Turkey made immigration official. Yet, these deals are being negotiated by unelected European officials with no electoral mandate. 

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Conspiracy Theorists Could Be Forgiven



[Re:'Support for Bill Naming Brotherhood Terrorist Org. Grows']: United Arab Emirates' ministerial cabinet had listed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of 83 proscribed terrorist organizations, up there with the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS. US should close this organization just like we did Holy Land Foundation.



[Re:'Afghani Girls' Orchestra Goes on Tour, Despite Threats']: Three cheers to these plucky and musical girls!!!



[Re:'If ISIS Came to Your Town Would You Convert to Islam?']: Everyone has to be made to understand that it is not just ( and a BIG JUST) one's faith that ISIS would insist upon others rejecting, but their absolute freedoms as well. Currently the freedoms that we all enjoy were defended in world wars by men and women across the world ( my father included) Another fascist had grand ideas as to how we should live, and whom should die- and he and his cohorts were stopped- and at great cost.


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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

ISIS Suspect Plotted to Bring Syrian Jihadis to US via Mexico Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 273


ISIS Suspect Plotted to Bring Syrian Jihadis to US via Mexico

ISIS Suspect Plotted to Bring Syrian Jihadis to US via Mexico

Prosecutors say Guled Ali Omar, 21, wanted to open up routes to the U.S. through Mexico so Syrian jihadis could attack America. learn more


Philippine Terror Group Beheads Canadian Hostage

Abu Sayyaf has waged a brutal campaign for decades in the majority Catholic country and is currently holding captive at least 20 foreigners.

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Philippine Terror Group Beheads Canadian Hostage

Assyrian Christians Battle Kurds in Syria: Exclusive Interview

An interview with Restore Nineveh Now, an organization working to free the Nineveh Plains from ISIS and other persecutors of minorities.

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Assyrian Christians Battle Kurds in Syria: Exclusive Interview

Afghani Girls' Orchestra Goes on Tour, Despite Threats

In most Western cities you can find all-women's musical ensembles, but in Afghanistan creating music is an act of extreme bravery.

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Afghani Girls' Orchestra Goes on Tour, Despite Threats

UK Student Union President Opposed Condemning ISIS

Students are angry that the new president of the National Union of Students opposed a bill to condemn ISIS. She also has a history of anti-Semitic rhetoric.

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UK Student Union President Opposed Condemning ISIS

Taliban Shoots Dead Minority Minister in Pakistan

The killing of Dr. Sardar Soran Singh, the Sikh member of the parliament, is another bitter example of the persecution of minorities.

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Taliban Shoots Dead Minority Minister in Pakistan


How Should Women Be Dressed? Answers From Italian Muslims

How Should Women Be Dressed? Answers From Italian Muslims

An Italian reporter asks a variety of Muslim men in Italy this 'provocative' question. 



Mini-Skirt: Not Welcome in Extremist Enclaves in Paris

What does it tell us if, in France, a 16-year-old girl is beaten up for wearing a mini-skirt? 

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Mini-Skirt: Not Welcome in Extremist Enclaves in Paris



[Re:'ISIS Suspect Plotted to Bring Syrian Jihadis to US via Mexico']" This is why I support a wall on the southern border.



[Re:'Afghani Girls' Orchestra Goes on Tour, Despite Threats']: God bless these girls for defying the Taliban scum!


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