Thursday, March 31, 2016

Is Israel an Apartheid State?

End Times - It is All About Jerusalem - the City of the Great Kingin the Apple of Gods Eye

RAIN Gospel Mission to haiti -Port au Prince Local church - SD card vid ...

End Times - It is All About Jerusalem - the City of the Great Kingin the Apple of Gods Eye

SPECIAL REPORT: Do Radicalized Islamic Communities Exist in the US?


Do Radicalized Islamic Communities Exist in the U.S.?

Do Radicalized Islamic Communities Exist in the U.S.?

Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a Pakistani militant group that has rebranded itself as Muslims of the Americas, says it has 22 "Islamic villages" in the U.S. learn more


Bill to Designate Brotherhood as Terror Org Gains More Support

The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act now has bipartisan support. Over 50 members of Congress are now in favor it.

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Bill to Designate Brotherhood as Terror Org Gains More Support

Forensic Psychiatrist: 'Crazy' Has Nothing to Do With Terrorism

A fascinating interview with renowned forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner on understanding and countering the mindset of extremists.

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Forensic Psychiatrist: 'Crazy' Has Nothing to Do With Terrorism

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Clarion Project Inc. · 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Suite 1025 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Secrets and Lies: Turkey's Covert Relationship With ISIS Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 262


Secrets and Lies: Turkey's Covert Relationship With ISIS

Secrets and Lies: Turkey's Covert Relationship With ISIS

While Turkey has arrested ISIS fighters planning an attack on Jewish children, new documents reveal the extensive collaboration between Turkey and ISIS. learn more


Shamila Ghyas: No More Fear and Denial

Shamila Ghyas: No More Fear and Denial

Shamila Ghyas is a young Pakistani blogger and writer who is challenging Islamism in Pakistan through her writing and on social media. learn more


Forensic Psychiatrist: 'Crazy' Has Nothing to Do With Terrorism

A fascinating interview with renowned forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner on understanding and countering the mindset of extremists.

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Forensic Psychiatrist: 'Crazy' Has Nothing to Do With Terrorism

Syria-Linked Hacking Group Gains Access to Water Plant

Hackers altered the ratio of the chemicals in the water, but staff noticed and took action. Jihadists have previously attempted to poison water supplies.

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Syria-Linked Hacking Group Gains Access to Water Plant

Report: Catholic Priest Crucified on Good Friday in Yemen

Father Tom Uzhunnalil was kidnapped from a retirement home at the beginning of March and is reported to have been crucified by ISIS.

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Report: Catholic Priest Crucified on Good Friday in Yemen

Arab Group Demands FBI Close New Counter-Terror Plan

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee has demanded the FBI shut down it's "Shared Responsibility Committees" program.

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Arab Group Demands FBI Close New Counter-Terror Plan

Wichita Mosque Cancels Pro-Hamas Speaker After Pressure

The Islamic Society of Wichita invited a pro-Hamas speaker to address its fundraiser and cancelled after pressure from a congressman.

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Wichita Mosque Cancels Pro-Hamas Speaker After Pressure

Pakistanis Protest For Terrorism Instead of Against It

Large scale demonstrations took place in Islamabad, but instead of protesting against the Taliban they protested in favor of a convicted murderer.

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Pakistanis Protest For Terrorism Instead of Against It


60 Minutes Crew Attacked in 'No-Go Zone' in Sweden

60 Minutes Crew Attacked in 'No-Go Zone' in Sweden

Police refuse to accompany an Australian film crew into a 'no-go zone.' Watch the result.



Islamic State Memo Re: Slave Auction

"Memo: Brothers wishing to buy slaves should register their names with the administrator of the battalion. Regarding brothers currently in service, if they want to be a part of the auction, they should be released within 10 days. If a brother is not registered, he is not allowed to be present at the slave market. Bids should be given in a sealed envelope and whoever wins, he is obligated to buy. Success comes from Allah."

- Islamic State


A Teenager in Evin Prison: My Terrifying Story

Imagine for a moment a mother in Iran living a quiet, uneventful life with her children. Imagine the horror of that same woman when in the early hours of the morning she comes face-to-face with the notorious Revolutionary Guards, forcing their way into her home to arrest her 16-year-old daughter. That child was me.

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A Teenager in Evin Prison: My Terrifying Story


Children of Paradise: The Struggle for the Soul of Iran

Children of Paradise: The Struggle for the Soul of Iran

By Laura Secor

In 1979, seemingly overnight, Iran became the first revolutionary theocracy in modern times. Since then, the country has been largely a black box to the West, a sinister presence looming over the horizon. But inside Iran, a breathtaking drama has been unfoldeding as religious thinkers, political operatives, poets, journalists, and activists have imagined and reimagined what Iran should be. They have drawn as deeply on the traditions of the West as of the East and have acted upon their beliefs with urgency and passion, frequently staking their lives for them. Children of Paradise will stand as a classic of political reporting -- an indelible portrait of a nation and its people striving for change.

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[Re: 'Wichita Mosque Cancels Pro-Hamas Speaker After Pressure']: Why do they need to be pressured to do something that is morally right?



[Re: 'Here Are the Moderate Muslims; Where are YOU?']: The moderates are out there but I suspect they are afraid of the Wahhabi and Salafi followers. Look what happened to that nice Muslim man in Scotland for tweeting his Christian countrymen a Happy Easter. He was murdered.


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